“8 Arms to Hold You” release and tour. We rocked positive & plenty, the best yet. I couldn’t wait to keep it going. But then…
COVID… Suddenly the World was so quiet. The tour was canceled. Nothing to do but wait, hope, and stare out my window.
Covid was raging. Of course, no Tour is possible… Looking out my window sending out good energy to everyone. One night I saw a beautiful “Jaguarundi” in my backyard tossing a cicada up in the air like a game. I hoped this was a good omen.
Tour was canceled, 3 in a row. It did not look good. I quietly accepted my musical career had maybe come to an end. I dreamt Humphrey Bogart was looking out my window smoking a cigarette “Your problems don’t amount to a hill of beans kid, it’s a crazy mixed-up world out there & the pain and suffering of so many is incomprehensible but very real. You’ve gotta be grateful you’ve lasted as long as you did, remember that. Oh, and one more thing, It could’ve been worse kid, you could be dead”
I got a call from The Red Light Orchestra in San Francisco about a “Repo Man” tribute for the SF SKETCHFEST. I was asked to be a guest along with actors and musicians reenacting the cult classic. “RepoMan” was one of the first films I scored. It was great to hear & play music I’d written 43 years ago. The day I returned from San Francisco I started writing again.
2024 !BRINCAMOS! TOUR! We were back. New songs, Old friends, Great fans! Healing was the mission at hand and it worked.
So here it is, !BRINCAMOS! We are so grateful for your support Amigos. Knock on wood, Fingers crossed, Swept by the Curandera… Ready to Rock!